Sunday, September 28, 2014

Six Word Novels

"Sorry soldier, shoes sold in pairs".
ADHD. Searched for cure. Got bored.
Happy masochist entangled in jellyfish tentacles.
Wind blows, sails fill, journey begins.
Surgeon saves patient, Patient thanks God.
Shooting at anarchist meeting, Call Cops!


  1. I personally thought your poems were the most thoughtful and creative. They are said in unique ways that convey a hidden meaning. I also like these poems because they have some humor in them. They are very relatable for lots of different people which is very important for writing, relatability. My favorite poem is the one about ADHD because it's very creatively shows an idea of how it feels to have ADHD as well as some frustration it seems. Lastly, I think your word choice is very creative, and helps direct the reader into finding the meaning in the poem.

  2. I agree with Kate I really liked your six word stories. They were very realistic and all tell an actual story all by themselves which was the purpose. They also seem to all relate to some aspect of what is discussed within classes or literature, history etc. And I really admired that

    1. I really loved your short stories because you put a lot of thought and creativity into each story and it really makes the reader think about the true meaning behind each story. Great job!

  3. I really liked your short stories, they are actually pretty clever.
